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District 33A is a diverse area in its communities and needs. We need an advocate like Andrew who understands our community to speak for us in Annapolis. We can count on Andrew and we know he will be working for us.



  • The staff within our local schools went far too long without appropriate compensation. Andrew worked with County Executive Pittman and his colleagues on the council to increase compensation to recruit and retain quality teachers and staff for our children.

  • Pushed for additional capital budget funding to support our school facilities. With Andrew’s advocacy he got funding for the new West County Elementary School as well as the expansion of Arundel Middle School.

  • Support additional career, technical education, and community support services for our students.


  • Andrew has worked tirelessly to support our businesses and this is evident by being named the 2021 Government Advocate of the Year for the Central Maryland Chamber of Commerce and the first Government official to receive Citizen of the Year from the Greater Crofton Council.

  • Strategically utilized grants and support programs to help our citizens and businesses recover from the COVID 19 pandemic.

  • Sponsored and passed legislation to cap rent increases during the COVID-19 state of emergency.

Public Safety

  • Supported a countywide body camera program for all county police officers.

  • Passed legislation to increase security at gun stores and keep illegal guns off the streets from gun store smash and grab crimes.

  • Supported legislation and policy to increase public safety staffing and accountability which will help improve response times throughout the area.

  • Secured funding for the new Crownsville Fire Station in Herald Harbor

  • Supported increased mental health services for our community.


  • Continue to support efforts for increased recycling in Maryland including organic recycling.

  • Supported the Forest Conservation Act in 2019 which protected our natural resources and reduced sprawl development.

  • Increased fines for illegally cutting down trees and the negative impact on our environment.

Authority: Friends of Andrew Pruski, Mariam Nasseri Pelletier, Treasurer

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